Classes | Week 1 – 9th October to Week 8 – 27th November
Bigger, better & refreshed to share with you the wonderful journey in watercolours. Take advantage of the discounted course costs over a newly formatted 8 week period!
But be quick as class numbers limited due to restrictions. Join with us at TOOWOOMBA ART SOCIETY for a TERM 4 weekly watercolour class aimed at beginnings; for those starting & those who want refreshing”. New revamped workshop curriculum & images. “Attending workshops & classes will quicken your journey.” We will complete a five day formal workshop programme over the ten half days. Recommended materials list provided. A certificate of completion at end of course. Bruce has worked with world leaders in watercolour & offers techniques & tips to master this exciting medium. After 18 years of crafting his style & direction, multiple prize credits, 8 solo exhibitions and joint exhibitions, it is now time to share to take you to the next level.
Says Sandy Pottinger, Art Critic The Chronicle July 2019 reviews Bruce’s 8th Solo Exhibition “The paintings capture popular themes with seemingly effortless skill. Fleeting moments shaped by light and the shifting patterns of nature capture mood and atmosphere enhanced by the tonal harmonies of colour.”
Workshop Fee Per session $ 45.00 OR you can pay upfront for the 8 week course at discounted rate $ 320.00
This term is 4 hours per day. From 8.30am—12.30
Limited spaces so call now to register!
Phone: 0403 346229